Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Style Section/10 months

Sunday Style Section
This was her Sunday outfit this week.  I love the ladybugs!
I love this little blue bubble.  The lady at the doctor's office said it looked like a piece of Wedgewood.  Haha!  Anyway, it makes her eyes super blue!
This is one of my favorite lounging around outfits.  It looks so comfy and it also makes her eyes very blue!
Funny thing...she wore a little bow almost all week but I only have 1 Sunday Style Section picture with a bow...oh well!

I am 10 months old!
  • I wear either a size 3 or size 4 diaper.
  • I wear size 9-12mo clothes and 12mo pajamas.
  • I eat a lot of finger foods.  One of my favorite foods is a "cheeseburger" (cheese and ground beef toasted on a slice of bread).
  • I had my first ear infection this month and I'm on my second round of antibiotics trying to clear it up.
  • I now have 4 teeth and am getting 2 more.
  • I crawl everywhere and I especially like to crawl around and chase my puppy!
  • I like to push my wagon around and walk behind it.
  • I pull up on everything!
  • I like to crawl into cabinets and antics such as this make my mommy and daddy laugh a lot.  Come to think of it they laugh A you think they're laughing at me or with me?  Hmmm...perhaps I'm scarred for life...hmm...I think I'm going to need some therapy in the future.

  • I now go to My Gym once a week for class and I'm becoming braver every week (I even sat on the trampline without crying this week)!  I also like to watch all the other kids in the class.

  • My antics make my mommy and daddy laugh a lot.
  • Even at this young age I have a good imagination.  This month I created a playhouse for my animals.

  • I've never met an obstacle I can't crawl/tumble over.
  • I love to read books and will often crawl from the den to my room and sit in there and read books for a long time!

  • I'm very good natured and I can entertain myself for long periods of time.
  • I love to laugh!
  • I say "bye bye" and wave (although it's usually a minute or two after the person I'm saying it to has left!).
  • I will put a phone up to my ear and say hello.
  • I've started "sharing" my toys (I am a bit of an indian giver).
  • I like to sort toys into piles and then move that pile to another location and then move that pile to another location, etc.  Perhaps this is a coping mechanisim for preventing Franklin from taking my toys and eating them?
  • Among other words I can say "duck", "ball", "dog", and moo like a cow.  I'm also learning where noses are.
  • I went to my first football game at Summerville High School and watched my Papa Coach coach.

  • I went to the Charleston Aquarium and I really enjoyed all the fish.
  • I went with my friend Liv to Riverbanks Zoo.  I really love the zoo.
  • This month I went to the fair for the first time...and watched my parents eat yummy fair food.  Yet another thing to add to my list for therapy/how my parents scarred me for life.  Thankfully they did NOT eat fried butter or a krispy kreme hamburger since I would like them to live past next week. (Yes, those were REAL fair foods this year!)

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