Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I will stand by you

I will stand by you
I will help you through
When you've done all you can do
If you can't cope
I will dry your eyes
I will fight your fight
I will hold you tight
And I won't let go
 - Rascal Flatts

I adore this picture and I love these Rascal Flatts song lyrics. These two girls are so close and I love their relationship. Ruthie knows that Emmie is her protector and her other mother (Ellie's the fun one!). Ruthie goes to Emmie when she needs help with something or a bandaid for a skinned knee. I love seeing the relationships develop between all my girls and can't wait to see how baby #4 fits into the mix!

PS. For full disclosure I should tell the real story behind this adorable picture. We were at the doctor's office because Emmie had an ear infection. In the exam room Emmie decided to hide behind the table so that the doctor couldn't look at her ear. Ruthie decided she wasn't going to be left in the line of fire so she went and sat with Emmie...she wasn't going to risk having her ears looked at!

PPS. I had to take Ellie Wednesday for an ear infection and it was entertaining to see the behavioral differences in the combo of children I had at each appointment. At Emmie's appointment, Emmie sat in the chair (most of the time) and Ruthie sat with her. At Ellie's appointment she and Ruthie were playing games involving lots of squealing.

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