Friday, May 8, 2015

16 Months

I am 16 months! (and 11 days)

  • I wear a size 3-4 shoe, 12-18mo clothes and a size 3 or 4 diaper.
  • I sleep about 12 hours at night and take a 2.5-3 hr nap in the afternoon.
  • I now have 10 teeth. I got one of my bottom molars this month. It was a rough couple days when it was coming in (or we're assuming that the tooth was the issue). Hopefully the next bottom molar won't be so difficult!

  • I love to walk! I don't want be carried anywhere.
  • I love my big sisters and love to play with them. My favorite game is chase. 
  • I have the BEST personality. I am super easy going and the only time I get upset is when I have trouble getting someone to understand what I want or I'm hungry (right before dinner time can be pretty rough). I am pretty content in any situation and can always find a way to entertain myself!
  • When I see my sisters after we've been apart I give them big hugs. I just adore my sisters.

  • I still love fruit and some veggies. I have gotten to where I don't eat as much meat. I love spaghetti as well. 
  • I'm generally not very interested in TV. I'll watch for a minute or two but then I move on to something else.
  • I love to sing and dance!
  • I'm saying a lot more words this month and "talking" a lot more.
  • Even though I don't have a ton of words in my vocabulary I'm pretty good at communicating what I want.
  • This month I was diagnosed with a peanut allergy. Fortunately I can still eat chick fil a. 

  • I love to take my sisters to preschool but I'm always a little disappointed when I don't get to stay. In Ellie's class I will often go over and wash my hands in hopes I'll blend in as one of the big kids!
  • I love doing anything the big girls do. I'm definitely not a baby. I like to sit in big chairs like them, I don't want to wear a bib anymore, and I love to get in Ellie's bed and pretend to sleep.

  • I LOVE shoes and I also love jewelry and wearing a bow like my sisters. I'm a very girly girl!

  • I generally go to sleep happy and wake up happy. At bedtime I get my blanket and a doll or stuffed animal and a few books and I'm all set for bed. I will sometimes even ask to go to bed!
  • My favorite books are Pout Pout Fish, Little Blue Truck, and Little Quack's Bedtime.

  • This month I celebrated Easter. I was NOT a fan of the bunny but I liked the presents he left me! I also loved hunting Easter eggs.

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