Wednesday, May 28, 2014

5 months

I am 5 months (and 1 day) old!

  • I wear 3-6 month clothes and a size 2 diaper.
  • I nurse 4-5 times a day and eat homemade baby food at dinner and sometimes at breakfast.
  • I eat peas, avocado, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, pears, and bananas, rice cereal, and baby oatmeal (my cereals usually have prune juice added). Bananas are my favorite and I also really like peas and sweet potatoes. I will eat pears but am not a huge fan. I have a huge appetite and usually eat 4-6 oz at dinner! I also like to drink water out of a cup.
  • I still have blue eyes but my hair has lightened up a lot. All of my new hair is very light brown or blonde. (Sorry Uncle Ben, I'm growing a lot of new hair!)
  • My nickname is Roo-Roo.
  • I sleep from 8pm until 7 or 8am. I take a nap from 1-4 in my crib and usually take 1 or 2 very short morning naps. For my morning nap I fall asleep wherever I am...crib, car, bouncer (although now that I go to bed right after the big girls, Mommy often uses this as cuddle time if we're home). I am so agreeable when I sleep in my crib. I need my sleep sack, pacifier, and white noise machine and off I go to dreamland!
  • At bedtime I sleep on my back with my hands under my head (just like Ellie did at my age!) and at naptime I generally sleep on my left side with my arm over my pacifier.
  • No teeth yet but I still drool all the time!
  • This month I went to GG and Papa's house for a long weekend and had my first beach and pool trip!

  • I'm definitely going through a separation anxiety phase.
  • I've learned how to make the music play on my bouncer.
  • I'm working hard on being able to sit up by myself. Some days I do better than other days.
  •  I can scoot myself a little bit when I'm on my back or on my stomach. I roll every once in a while but not very often.
  • This month I had a nasty cold leading to my first round of nebulizer treatments and a dose of antibiotics for fluid on my ear (thankfully we caught it before it became infected as we were at the doctor for my wheezing).
  • I have blisters on my big toes from sucking on them.
  • I am sweet as can be and am so happy all the long as I get my afternoon nap!

  • I always reach for my toys and sometimes I will reach for people as well.
  • I LOVE my sisters. Ellie has started spending more time with me this month and I love to pull Emmie and Ellie's hair and I squeal whenever I see them!
  • This month I was baptized. I was so well behaved!

  • I still want my pacifier whenever I'm tired.
  • I went strawberry picking this month.
  • I love reading. I love to look at books myself (aka chew on them), have my sisters read to me, and sit with Mommy or Daddy during story time at night and listen to the book.

  • Sometimes I like riding in the car and sometimes I don't. Mommy says I'm only allowed to scream in the car if I sleep through the night.
  • I've been battling horrible eczema this month. I have patches behdin my knees and inside my elbows and a horrible patch under my chin (which gets very aggravated by all the drooling I do). Mommy is going to take out stock in Aquaphor.

Emmie at 5 months

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