Saturday, January 26, 2013


I feel like I've been in a bit of a rut lately as far as the blog. I just can't seem to come up with anything to write about! I think part of the problem is that we've been stuck in the house all week pretty much just laying around.
Emmie woke up just fine on Tuesday morning and I went to get her dressed about 11 and she was burning up so I checked her temp and my child who never has a fever was 101. We ended up at the doctor's office the next morning because she had run fevers all day Tuesday and she tested negative for flu and rsv so the doctor said it was probably a virus. She was pretty pitiful most of the week. She was very sleepy and not too hungry and when she was running a fever she didn't want to be touched because she said it hurt. It made me so sad.  Fortunately the last time she had a fever was lunchtime yesterday so we can finally get out and about some...yay! I think by Thursday night the girls and I were all going stir crazy!

(We did manage to get out in the backyard a little bit for some fresh air each day but poor Emmie would tire out so quickly!)
You can look at her eyes and tell she doesn't feel good. Plus she actually held still and said "cheese" so I KNOW she didn't feel she runs from the camera as soon as I pull it out!

Sweet Ellie Bellie...always so happy!

I am so glad that we will be back to our regular schedule this week and that we will have the FREEDOM to get out and about again! (I'm also very glad that none of the rest of us got the funk!)

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