Monday, August 3, 2015

32 Weeks

I am 32 weeks (and 3 days) pregnant...only 8 more weeks to go!
I've really had an easy pregnancy up until 2 weeks ago when I felt like I hit a brick wall. The reflux has kicked in full force and will frequently wake me up in the middle of the night. I had about a week and a half where I was beyond exhausted but I think I'm starting to get back some of that energy so that's good. Around this same time in my pregnancies with Ellie and Ruthie I had the same "hit a brick wall" feeling. Baby has also turned and is head down...and by head down which means a lot more pressure. (But yay for baby being head down...Ruthie turned really late so I'm very glad that this baby turned on time!) Baby's head is also sitting right on my bladder (and I saw the ultrasound picture to prove it!) which also means having to get up in the middle of the night to go to the've also started having issues with my blood sugar being all over the place, especially in the morning after breakfast. I've had this problem with all of my pregnancies but I'm very thankful that this time around I only have to endure about 10 weeks of it as opposed to the 9 months of it I had with the other kiddos. I also have started having issues standing in lines and feeling like I'm going to pass out. I don't know what causes that but I know other people who've had the same problem. I probably had it the worst with Emmie and am once again thankful that it started beinggn a problem so late this time. I have started having some swelling in my fingers and toes (not my ankles, just toes...kind of random0, mostly just when I've been walking around a lot. In the past month the baby has been pretty active but it's a gentle active so I don't feel like I'm bruised internally :) Emmie kicked me in the same spot for months and I was so sore by the end! I love feeling baby stirring around especially when it's in reaponse to singing or one of the big girls talking to it. 
At my 32 week appointment I had an ultrasound to recheck the baby's kidneys to make sure the last of the fluid was off of them and to make sure that the placenta was in the right place (so I didn't have to automatically have a C-section). I was so happy that everything looked great on the ultrasound and it's always fun to get another peek at baby! They estimated baby's' weight to be 4lb which is right where it should be. I'm guessing that if I go past 39 weeks with this baby that baby will weigh between 7 and 8lb. I love looking at this little profile (and baby was super cooperative and moved it's hand away right when the tech took the picture) and I can't wait to see who baby looks like and what features baby shares with the girls and what features are all its own! 

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