Sunday, December 11, 2016

Odds and Ends

I was going through my pictures and realized I have a lot of pictures that I meant to write blog posts about but just never got around to so I've lumped them all together into one post. This post encompasses about 3 months!!

Emmie and Ellie have been in bunk beds for 3 years and we've never really had any issues with them doing things they weren't supposed to. Ruthie just learned how to get in and out of the top bunk. Today I caught the girls jumping out of the top bunk onto a pile of pillows. Wonder who's idea that was?

Emmie was a bit out of control at school (along with the rest of her class) and had to walk a lap at recess. She felt so bad and made her teacher an "I'm sorry" card. Without any help. Paul and I were cracking up. Sad hearts on the front and happy hearts on the inside!

Franklin usually spends most of the time barking at my dad or playing tug of war with him. Apparently he's chilling out in his old age.

For those of you who don't know, Paul is a twin. They say twins skip generations. Apparently Ruthie is getting some practice in!

Emmie has been doing Reading Counts at school since a little bit into the second quarter. She reads certain books and then takes a quiz on them. We were so excited that she was the first 1st grader to do 5 reading counts quizzes! She was awarded her medal on the morning news show!

Our school had Literacy Night at Publix. They had a scavenger hunt for different words and phrases and such. My girls had a great time. The best part was the next day everyone who went got a hardback and paperback book! I was pretty impressed!
Showing Ellie's teacher, Mrs. Boswell, one of their scavenger hunt finds

Earlier this fall there was an art show and fall festival at the girls' school. It was lots of fun and the girls loved showing off their art work!

hay maze...Ellie and Ruthie were so excited about doing this!
train ride

Ellie's been taking golf lessons. A few weeks ago I was off work and got to go watch. She's doing great with her putting and chipping. She really needs to build up some more strength and control in her arms to help with her drive but I was amazed at how much better her form has impressed with her! Also, many weeks she's the only little one there so she gets a private lesson!

Emmie saw a video at bible school about a girl who donated her hair and she has decided that she's going to donate her hair. She's super excited and I have to measure her hair frequently to see how much farther she has to go! (A long way for those who are curious...we're at 4-5in right now.)

Our dance studio walked in the Columbia Christmas parade two weeks ago. Ruthie and Emmie wanted to participate so I signed up too so that I could keep an eye on Ruthie. It was cold but fun and they went and stood with Paul, Ellie, and JP afterwards and watched the rest of the parade. (I had to go to work.)

If you like peppermint you HAVE to go to Aldi and get these Peppermint Meltaways. I'm addicted!

Ellie sang with the Cherub Choir at a local retirement center. They were so cute.

We had our Christmas program at church and the girls sang in it. Ellie was a cute!
Ellie is on the far left of the bottom row
Emmie is in the back row with the bow in her hair and waving.

My weather app is a bit spastic. Most of the time it works just fine but one day it showed me the weather until 2am and then...nothing. Just blank space. That was a bit disturbing. Then the other day I was trying to check the temperature outside and this is what I saw. It was a rainy day but I was pretty sure there wasn't a tornado!!

JP loves to do what the big kids are doing. One of his new favorite things is coloring!

I love Christmas lights and Christmas decorations. I don't however love taking the decorations down after Christmas so I don't put up nearly as many decorations as I'd like to. I often come home in the mornings from taking the kiddos to school and turn on the Christmas lights and leave them on most of the day. They make me happy!

Every week Emmie's school water bottle comes home to get washed. This week one of Emmie's best friends (who's about to move, Emmie is so sad) was absent on Friday so Emmie asked if she could bring Kayleigh's water bottle home to wash. I love my sweet girl.

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