Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Easter Bunny Part 1

The girls (and Franklin) and I are at my parent's house for the week. This evening the Easter Bunny was at the Chick-fil-a near their house so I took Emmie. My mom and I are taking both girls to the mall tomorrow to see the bunny but I figured this might be a good way to get Emmie acclimated to the Easter Bunny so that perhaps I'll only have one screaming child tomorrow instead of two! Emmie was hilarious and I'm pretty sure that most of the restaurant was entertained by her antics. The EB wasn't out when we got there so I got her a fruit cup and we set up shop at a table across from the EB's chair. When he headed out way Emmie wanted to go see him so I picked her up and took her over where he was and she wanted NOTHING to do with him...so we sat back down. There were quite a few other kids there that were very excited to see the EB so Emmie and I talked a lot about how nice he was and how happy the other kids were to see him. We did a little dance of getting up and starting towards the EB and then her getting nervous and going back to the table. We did this for about 10min. Then she was really funny. She decided she wanted to go see him and we stood up and headed over there and she looked at me and said "Mommy, go sit at the table"...ooookay. My sweet Emmie is sooo independent and a little part of me was proud that she was going to conquer her fear head on by herself while another part of me was sad that she didn't need to hold Mommy's hand.
She very slowly crept forward.

Finally another little girl, who thought the EB was great , got tired of little miss pokey and grabbed Emmie's hand and took her up the EB. It was sooo cute and Emmie went slowly along with her. The little girl was so sweet.

She stood there with Emmie the whole time.
Emmie finally got brave enough to go up to the EB by herself.

Petting the EB...he was very soft.

Then she got brave enough to hold his hand!

FINALLY she was willing to sit in his lap. She even talked to him (very quietly) and told him she liked books (we had talked about things she might like the EB to bring her) and he told her he would bring LOTS of books!

When we got ready to leave she ran over to the EB and gave him a big hug and told him "bye, bye". I hope tomorrow she remembers how much she loves the bunny!

Tonight when we called Paul, the first thing Emmie told him was that she went to see the Easter Bunny! She was so excited!

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