Wednesday, September 3, 2014

PSA: why you should wash your apples

Isn't it funny how a child's mind works and the connections they make?
The first time Emmie saw Snow White she fixated on the fact that Snow White didn't wash the poisonous apple. I mean was just really distressed by it...and then life moved on and she mentions it every now and then but I just smile and nod and make some comment about how we always wash our apples before we eat them and move on. 
When Emmie asks for an apple she always reminds me, as I'm getting the apple out, that we need to wash it. I've always just assumed she was so adamant about this because she's a rule follower and likes order. We wash it and move on.
The other day we were in the car and a song from Snow White was playing and as the girls were talking Emmie informed us that Snow White didn't wash her apple and as always I smiled and nodded and said something about how we wash apples blah blah and then I was ready to move on. Emmie wasn't done though...she very adamantly insisted that you have to wash your apple or it's posionous and you'll fall asleep for a long time like Snow White. I tried to explain to her that this wasn't the case but she was not'd better wash your apples! (And then you can eat the entire apple except for the seeds like Emmie does.

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