Monday, September 24, 2012


Ellie spent the first year of her life running away from books. I'm not even joking, as soon as we pulled out a book, Ellie would be gone. Recently however she has developed an Emmie-like love for books and I'm THRILLED! It bothered me so much that she didn't like books. I ADORE books and I just couldn't imagine having a child that didn't like books!
The other day Ellie was in her room being very quiet so I went to check on her, sure that she would be up to no good and this is what I found:

And this is what I found the other day when I got out of the shower:

(after reading the same book 539,297 times a day, right side up becomes boring)

And now she spends most of the day handing me books to read. I also love that she INSISTS on sitting in my lap while I read them. Not only do I get to "read" (who are we kidding...I have them memorized) Hand, Hand, Fingers Thumb and Goodnight Moon 1,334,987 times a day but I get to cuddle with my sweet baby while I do! Ellie's repitoire of books is also expanding quickly....THANK GOODNESS. I'm pretty sure if I'd had to read Brown Bear 1 more time I might have gone insane! One thing I've loved is seeing how she "reads" a book. Emmie has always been a big picture reader. Ellie likes to look at all the minor details in the picture. For instance, did you know that on the bookshelf in Goodnight Moon (I'm not sure I even knew there was a bookshelf) there is a baby doll? Ellie noticed it about the second time we read the book. I think her attention to detail at such an early age is pretty neat but really I think everything she does is pretty neat.

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