Thursday, May 19, 2016

Swim Lessons

Ruthie has taken swim lessons at Palmetto Aquatics the last 2 weeks. She was only signed up for one week but she did so well and enjoyed it so much that I went ahead and signed her up for a second week. All of mine have started with Palmetto Aquatics and I just think they're wonderful for kids starting out. They are very no-nonsense which is exactly what I want when my kids are learning to swim! I would rather them cry a little (for certain children...cry a lot) and learn to hold their breath and kick to the wall than have them have happy happy swim lessons and not know what to do if they fall in the pool.
I was THRILLED with how well Ruthie did. She can go either way in situations such as this...either she'll put her foot down and not do it at all and scream bloody murder or she'll have a great time. Thankfully she decided that swim lessons were great and while we would get the occasional tear she was excited to tell everyone about her swim lessons and came out of the pool with a smile on her face everyday! She also had great instructors. She had Ms. Sara the first week and Ms. Laney and Ms. Caroline the second week. We loved all of them!

The most amazing thing is that Ruthie won't even be 2.5 until the end of June. She was such a rockstar! It helps that she has great motivation...she wants to swim with her sisters!

Here are the videos from the end of the first week. When she started she only kind of knew how to hold her breath under the water.

Ms. Sara

And the end of the second week.

Ruthie with Caroline and Laney

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