Friday, September 2, 2011


Today Kerri and I took Ivy and Emmie to Edventure, which is the south's larget children's museum.  I wasn't sure if Emmie would be quite ready for all the stuff but it seemed like a fun thing to go try out and I knew there were at least a few things she could do and would enjoy.  Boy, she was soooo ready!  It's perfect for kids her age!  She and Ivy had so much fun and what was really nice was how empty it was there.  We got there at 9 when they opened to beat the "crowd" and for the first hour(ish) it was just us and one other family who had a little boy a few months younger than Emmie.  Even by the time we left it was still relatively empty.  We were there for three hours, which is a long time for two toddlers to be content in one place.  We had gone through the whole museum and they had then started back over at the beginning!  I practically had to drag Emmie out.  I'm pretty sure the only reason she was ok with leaving and didn't pitch a fit was because I told her we were going to Clara's house (she's our babysitter and Emmie loves her!).
I'm thinking an Edventure membership is in our near future!

This is one of Emmie's favortie things to do at the grocery store so needless to say she had a great time pushing all the buttons!

The scanner beeped whenever you put something over it so the girls had a great time checking out.

Kerri and I were very entertained watching what they picked to put in their carts.

Emmie must think her Uncle Giant is coming to visit...she stocked up on cucumbers!

Kerri milking the cow...Emmie wouldn't go near it!

Collecting the chicken eggs.  Kerri and Ivy have chickens at their house so Ivy was a pro!

Hands down the funnies moment of the day!  Doesn't this remind you of that commercial where the dad is giving the little girl driving instructions and at the end the little girl turns into a teenager?  Scary to think how fast they grow up!  Also, we sent this picture to Paul and Casey (Ivy's dad) and said that the girls were headed out to pick up some boys...haha! 

Driving the fire truck.

The girls had a great time dressing up as firefighters and it was quite comical watching them trying to walk in the boots!

Kerri is driving them to the fire...don't they look professional?

The outdoor water feature...Emmie's shirt was pretty wet by the time they were done!

The African exhibit.  There was a TV screen on the wall and you showed up on the screen when you started playing the instruments.  The girls enjoyed playing dress up here as well.

After we went through the museum the girls started back over in the grocery store!

PS.  I was so excited when we got home and I got Ellie down for a nap in her crib and she was OUT.  I just knew that this was going to be the day that I got a nap.  WRONG!  Emmie didn't sleep a WINK!  Which wouldn't be a big deal because normally if she's not going to sleep she'll sit in her crib and read quitely to her animals but not today of course. Today she decided to have a party in her crib. These girls are conspiring against me!

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