Today has been one of THOSE days! You know, the day that no one really wants to hear about but that you have to share.
It started out pretty good. Emmie got up, ate, played for a few minutes and then played for a few minutes and then sat in her bumbo chair and played while I got a shower (a big change from yesterday when she pitched a fit the second I put her in the bumbo...she's going through a slightly clingy phase...not sure if she's just at that age or if it's becuase she's teething and doesn't feel 100%). After my shower Emmie and I (and Franklin) played for a few minutes and then Emmie and I headed out for my doctor's appointment. Now I thought my appointment was at the perfect time...10:00 - naptime! It would work out perfect...I'd put her in the car, she'd promptly fall asleep, we'd get to the doctor where I would pop the carrier in the stroller, head in to my appointment and then head home about the time she was waking up. Now I know all you moms out there are laughing at me (especially my mom) thinking "haha...silly first time mom...that plan is NEVER going to work...she's NOT going to take a nap!" Well, I'll have you know she held up her end of the bargin quite well...I put her in the car, she fell asleep, I put the carrier in the stroller, got in the doctor's office where she did wake up but was quite content. Now...this is where things started to fall apart...and it sure wasn't Emmie's fault. Nope...remember how my appointment was at 10? What time did I FINALLY see the doctor?
10:50!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ridiculous! Emmie was so content to sit in her stroller until about 10:40 at which point she started fussing...this was a quick appointment so even if it had started 10 or 15 minutes late she would have been fine in the stroller! Oh, and did I mention the paper gown? Oh yes, Emmie didn't start fussing until the paper gown was on (of course). So now I'm holding and baby while wearing a paper gown that she's trying to eat/shred...oh and she had also spit up some bananas on the gown as soon as I picked her up but I couldn't really get off the table and across the room to the paper towels while holding a baby and a paper I just used the paper gown to wipe up her face! The upside to the whole adventure was that I was so busy entertaining Emmie that I didn't get as aggravated as I normally would have about the fact my appointment was an hour late starting. (Also, I was very glad my appointment was at 10 and not any later in the day...imagine how far behind the doctor would have been by then!) So we FINALLY left the doctor's office and she promptly fell back asleep for the trip home and the day seemed to be back on track...until 2:00 naptime...
Paul put Emmie down for her 2:00 nap and instead of her normal "sleepy song" (the noises she makes right before she goes to sleep) we got shrieking...and by me I mean me and Franklin..Paul was off to work by this point. After a few minutes I went and got her which usually stops the shrieking but poor baby was sooo 3:30 she finally fell asleep in my arms...I felt so bad for her. She has a tooth coming in and you could tell she was miserable. She wouldn't take the teething ring and she wouldn't stop crying long enough to take the tylenol. Anyway she ended up sleeping on the couch with me for 2 hours ( I sure wasn't going to put her down after she finally went to sleep!) and she did not move an inch for those 2 hours. I have to say that it was nice to cuddle with her...we've been working so hard on getting her in the crib for naps that it's been a really long time since I held her while she slept...I just wish it had been under happy circumstances for her!
She woke up soooo happy from her nap and ate dinner and we had great playtime and sang lots of silly songs and then took Franklin on a walk and had great bathtime. Look at this happy baby ready for bed!
I fed her and she was still awake afterwards but that's ok...she sometimes is but she still goes down in her crib just fine. Not tonight though. I laid her down and she started out ok...just a little fussiness but nothing unusual...unfortunately fussiness turned into an all out fit. She was so cute though...I went in and picked her up and sat in the glider and she cuddled up with me and went right to sleep...little stinker! When I was sure she was asleep I put her down and she opened up her eyes and looked at me and curled on her side and went right back to sleep
After our adventures today we will be staying home tomorrow to have a nice, normal day!!!