Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Back to School and Dance

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Ellie 1st grade, Emmie 2nd grade
Today was the first day of school for Emmie and Ellie. Emmie was super excited to go back. Ellie was excited but also a bit nervous about a new teacher and a new classroom. Everyone got up and ready quickly and we were out the door in plenty of time to get to school early so I could walk them in.
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图片可能包含:1 位用户、微笑、站立、鞋和户外
Then there was a wreck. And our 15 minute trip to school turned into 30 minutes. Ugh. And Ellie was in the backseat upset that I might not have time to walk them into their class. Fortunately we made it just in time for me to take them to their class. Then poor Ellie skinned her knee on the way in. It was a rough start to the morning.
We dropped Emmie in her class real quick and she bounced right in, put her backpack up, and sat at her desk and started on her morning work.
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Once Ellie walked into her classroom and got a hug and a bandaid from her teacher she was much happier. We hung up her backpack and got our hugs and she was set! She was really excited to be sitting next to one of her best friends from last year.
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When I picked up the girls they were so excited. Everyone had a great day and made some new friends and loved catching up with their friends from last year.

Ruthie did ok with the big girls being gone although she was sad that she didn't get to go to school this morning. She did enjoy being "in charge" today. JP definitely missed the big girls and was a bit out of sorts all day. He kept asking where they were. I must say that when we got home and he and Ruthie went off to play it was sooo quiet in the house!

We went to Krispy Kreme for a special after school snack. They were all super excited about that. Ellie made sure to remind me when I dropped her off that morning that I had promised we'd go!
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After Krispy Kreme we headed to dance. Ruthie had Creative Movement (tap and ballet), Ellie had ballet, and Emmie had ballet (she's also taking lyrical on Monday). This year is sooo much better than last year because we get done at 5:30 instead of 6 and we don't have any gaps in between classes. Last year we had 30 minutes where we were just sitting there waiting for the next class. Everyone loved their classes and were really excited to hang out with their friends!
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图片可能包含:2 位用户、微笑的用户、一群人站着
JP loved all the props. Then he got mad bc he had glitter all over his hands. He was NOT pleased.
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图片可能包含:1 位用户、微笑、文本
图片可能包含:1 位用户、微笑
Evelyn, Emmie, and Emmie

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