Monday, October 14, 2013

Potty Princess

Potty training is more fun when you're dressed as a princess!

Last Wednesday I decided it would be a good day to start potty training Miss Ellie Belly. She had recently started freaking out every time her diaper was wet or dirty so I figured it was time to give it another shot!

Wednesday and Thursday morning she did GREAT. Thursday afternoon and Friday she did not so great. Saturday Paul had her...I've now nominated him to be in charge of potty training Baby #3. She did really well Saturday and on Sunday and today she had NO accidents! Plus on Sunday she started telling us when she needed to go potty. Friends, I'm pretty sure we have ARRIVED. For the first time in 3 1/2 years I have NO children in diapers (at least for a few months!). Ellie is wearing panties at naptime and has stayed dry about half of the days and she is wearing a pullup at night and has been dry 2 or 3 nights which I think is pretty impressive! In the mornings she will stand in her crib and yell for me to come get her so she can go potty!

Funniest story of potty training. Wednesday night she called me after I put her to bed because she needed to go potty. I took her in there and told her to call me when she was done (when we were potty training Emmie she used to make us get her out of bed 20 times a night so that she could hang out with us...lesson hanging out with Mommy and Daddy this time around). A little later I hear "MOMMY! LOOK! EW! EW! YUCK! MOMMY!" I go into the bathroom and she is standing beside the potty with a look of abject disgust on her face....she had pooped in the potty. She was absolutely horrified at what had come out of her! I FINALLY convinced her that it was a GOOD thing (it took a lot of convincing). Once she was convinced she did a good thing she said "I want to show Emmie!" Emmie couldn't quite figure out WHY Ellie thought that she needed to look at her poop!

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