Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the dads in our lives!

I grew up with a wonderful dad. He took me to lots of sporting events growing up and gave me a love for football :) He came to lots of violin concerts to watch me (and the back of his eyelids). He came to all of my swim meets and was the best stroke and turn judge ever ;). I always knew that when I got married I wanted to marry someone like my dad (except my husband would have to be able to pick out his own clothes ;) ). I'm so grateful to have a dad who showed me what a good husband and father looks like. I have really loved seeing my dad as a Grandaddy to my girls. They love him so much and he's always willing to push someone on the swing or chase them around the house.

I was so fortunate to get a wonderful father-in-law when I married Paul. I'm so grateful to Fred for raising Paul and being such a good example of what a loving, Godly, father looks like. Fred has always been so good to me. From the very beginning he was so welcoming to me and he even painted many different colors on the walls in our house (if you know him, you know this is love...up until Paul and I bought our house he only painted white)! It has been so much fun to watch the tough football coach love on all my little girls. He is such a good Papa!

And of course Happy Father's Day to Paul! He is the BEST daddy to our little girls. I'm sure he never dreamed that he would have a house full of girls but he has definitely risen to the challenge. He lets them dress him up and plays the prince in every movie reenactment and he has tea parties with them. He teaches them the finer points of tee ball, golf, football, basketball, and many other sports! He has learned how to put tights on a small child, fix hair, and what dresses are church dresses. He has even (kind of) learned the necessity of little girls having a bow in their hair. He loves our little girls so much and I hope they always appreciate what a good Daddy he is! We hope you had a great Father's Day!

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