Wednesday, August 22, 2018

1st Day of School!

Today was our first day back at school. This year Emmie is in 3rd grade and Ellie in second.
Big girls off to 2nd and 3rd grade!

First day of school 2017...look how much they've changed!
Paul w as leaving at the same time as us this morning. I asked JP if he wanted to get in the picture with the girls and he said no, he wanted to take a picture with Daddy. :)

The little kiddos and  I walked the big girls into school this morning.
Ellie and Mrs. Estes

Emmie and Mrs. West
They gave their teachers these bracelets with the school colors on them.

After we dropped the big girls off JP and Ruthie and I headed to meet some moms  at Famous Toastery for a back to school breakfast. It was lots of fun!

Everyone had a great day back!
Ellie was nervous last night (and poor thing said she kept waking up at night worried about going back to school) but once she walked in the classroom she was just fine. When I picked her up from school all she could talk about was that her teacher did the Floss...she got major cool points!
Emmie loved her teacher and was ready to tell me all about third grade procedures!

After school pic! Ainsley, Emmie, Evelyn, and Ellie

Funny story...Emmie and Evelyn both got new backpacks over the summer and we realized this afternoon they had picked the same pattern!

For dinner I took the kiddos out to a special back to school dinner at San Jose. They were thrilled!

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