Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The day the giant came to visit...

Today was the big day...I went back to work after 13 weeks at home with Emmie and Franklin.  I've cried many, many tears about going back to work but it was funny because when today came I wasn't as upset as I thought I'd be.  I think the anticipation of going back to work was actually worse than the actual event.  I was glad to see my friends at work and my patients.  I was so happy to get one of my favorite patients...a cute little boy who used to hug Emmie before she was born.  I did better at work than I thought I would...I only really cried once...poor Carey gave me a hug and I fell apart on her...but she was sweet about it and I did well the rest of the day! 
But enough about my day...Emmie's day was so much more interesting.  Why you ask?  Because a GIANT came to her house!!!  Yesterday, my mom and Ben (my little brother...well not so much little as younger...who by the way hadn't seen Emmie in a few months) came to spend the night so they could keep Emmie while I was at work.  When Ben walked in the door Emmie looked up at him...and up, and up, and up...and her eyes got reallly was quite comical!  There was a GIANT in her house!!  Ben, at last measurement, which was awhile ago, was 6ft and in Emmie's world that's pretty tall!  She was hilarious yesterday...just kept looking up.  Then he had on a Clemson sweatshirt and she was fascinated by the orange letters...I guess because there isn't any orange clothing in our house....we start the brainwashing very early!  Apparently she just kept staring at him all day today as well...she was just absolutely fascinated by her Uncle Ben! 
Franklin's day was also quite exciting...there was some yard work done and of course he had to help with that so when I called to check on everyone at about 11:15 Franklin was getting his feet washed! 
The kiddos had a big day and I was so glad that Gran and Uncle Ben were able to come keep Emmie made my first day back at work easier knowing that Emmie and Franklin were in good hands!
This was at Christmas...that's Ben in the middle.

1 comment:

  1. I was the same way; the anticipation was much worse than the actual first day back. If y'all need us to send any orange things down for your sweet girl, just say the word. :) We'll have her loving that crazy color in no time!
