Thursday, January 3, 2019

Celebrating Ruthie

We have enjoyed celebrating our sweet 5 year old over the last week. Normally on their birthday the birthday kid gets to pick what we do that day and where/what we eat for dinner. Ruthie was pretty sick on her birthday so instead of getting to do a fun activity she went to the pediatrician instead. :(
She did rally enough on her birthday to go to Sonic for dinner and ice cream.

When we got home she got to open her cards and presents and then after everyone else went to bed she got to stay up and play a game with Paul and me. She picked Sorry! and had a great time.

We managed to have her well enough for her party on Saturday. We had it at a bounce house place and she had SO much fun!

Today we finally had time/she was well enough for us to let her have her "birthday day". She picked to go to the Children's Museum. This day is always such a big day for the kids because they get to make all the decisions. She got to pick which part of the museum we went to first and when we moved to a new area. She LOVED being in charge!

JP has been talking for a  week about driving the firetruck!

Ellie managed to find a book and a quiet corner of course.

Emmie spent a lot of time cleaning up and reorganizing the grocery store!

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