Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Special Visit

On Tuesday Paul's mom brought his grandmother for a visit so that she could meet Ellie (by the way, Ellie's middle name, Rachel, is Paul's mom's and his grandmother's first name).  They stayed at a hotel near our house so Tuesday afternoon after Emmie woke up from her nap we headed over to visit.  The hotel had an indoor pool so Emmie got to go swimming!  We visited for a bit and played in the pool and then went to Cracker Barrel for dinner.  On Wednesday morning I dropped Ellie off at the hotel while Emmie and I went to her NEW My Gym class (Emmie moved up to the next class this week.  She moved up a few months early but did GREAT!)  It was really nice for me to be able to spend some time one on one with Emmie and I know Gin-g and Ms. Rachel were glad to get to spend some more time with sweet Ellie.  We were so glad that Mammy was able to meet Ellie and spend time with the girls and of course they also enjoyed seeing their GG!

The three Rachels!

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