Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Day in the Life

Well today we started out early and hectic but fortunately things got better as the day went on...otherwise I might be collapsed in a heap right now instead of writing this blog!

To tell the story of the day we must start at the beginning of the day...a little after midnight Paul got home from work.  That didn't really faze me.  I rolled over and went back to sleep.  Then, at 5:15am he got a work phone call and was on the phone until at least 6:30 at which point I decided I might as well get up and get a shower and then go sleep in the other room until 7:30 when i had to wake Emmie up.  A perfect plan right?  So I was back in the bed by 6:50 and headed off to dreamland...until Emmie decided to wake up at 7.  That's all good though because she had been patting her ears (her version of pulling at her ears) the day before and since I work Thursday and Friday i decided to go ahead and take her in the doctor so my plan was to leave for the doctors office at 8 and call them as I was pulling out of the driveway and hope they had an appt time open for the morning (otherwise I was just going to go do my grocery shopping).  So, she got up early, I got her fed, and called the doctor as I was headed out the door.  Yay!  They had an 8:20 appt.  That was pushing it but I got there by 8:25 and we were called back to the exam room by 8:30 and then...we waited, and waited, waited.  We saw the doctor at 9.  At which point I was starting to panic because I had to be at the hospital, 20 minutes away at 9:30 for a class.  We made it out of the doctors office a few minutes after 9...with no ear infection...yay!  I met Clara, our babysitter, at the hospital, popped the carseat in her car and she and Emmie went home and I went to my class. 
After all that my day got MUCH better.  I went to my class, ran some errands, and headed back home where Clara had Emmie fed and down for her nap which meant I got a nap :).  Emmie took such a good nap and then we went outside to enjoy the beeeeeeeeautiful weater (to all my friends who live in cold was mid-70s November...this is why I love living in SC).
We played in the front yard beause the back is mostly shaded in the afternoon.  Franklin did sooo good off his leash!
My mom got to the house around 3 and we went for a walk.  This evening my mom commented that Franklin smelled like a dog.  I KNOW..he is NOT a dog.  She's going to give him a complex.  He is a PERSON!  Anyway, we had to remedy this problem with a bath.  This was the first time Emmie had helped with Franklin's bath and she had the BEST time.  She thought the wet rat was very entertaining.
Then Emmie sat in the sink while I dried Franklin. 
Emmie's favorite part of the bath?  When Franklin shook all the water off.  She laughed and laughed!

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